I thought I would add an addendum to this entry. Today 26-Mar-08, it began to snow!! Yesterday looked more like Spring with the intermittent showers but today, the snow shower made me run (no; walk. I do not run.) for my camera to capture this Spring folly.

To my friend Cooper, and all those who actually have real footage of snow annually , this wee squall is much ado about nothing. Our history will show we have had our blizzards and snow fall that will stop us in our tracks, especially up in the mountains where we have had record snow falls over the years.

The storm seems to have passed through this area and it is now back to lightly raining. I should say that we usually do not see snow in the winter months where we live save, one or two small storms of snow. Today's storm took me by surprise so, I thought I would add them to the rest of the Spring pictures.
(Now, back to your local stations.) ;-)

It's Springtime and between the intermittent showers this afternoon I went out into the front and back yards to have a closer look at our plants, bushes and trees preparing themselves after the Winter standing dormant. The first picture is our Magnolia tree with blossoms just about ready to open. Unfortunately, they don't last very long before they wilt and fade away.

These "Blue Beauties" are always the first plant to bloom in the Spring and they share space with my mint and thyme herbs.

The "Wedding Tree is on the left, a "weeping cherry tree" that seems to love that spot. Down the hill is the lichen and moss covered Maple tree with last year's leaves ready to be removed when the soil is dry enough for working in the yard. ( Seán is just coming around the deck. )

Here is another picture of the "Wedding Tree." We were given this tree as a wedding present from my sister, her husband & and old friend. We are presently, trying to get rid of the moss growth that was immense this Winter. It was surprising how much area it took over and how much grass was displaced by it. I plan on retaking these photos as the plants and trees bloom. The Rhodie's bloom a wee bit later but are well worth the wait.
I leave you with a verse and a chorus of this little dittie from William Shakespeare's "As You Like It," Act V, Scene III.
It was a lover and his lass,
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
That o'er the green corn-field did pass
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding,ding:
Sweet lovers love the spring . . .
It's Spring time.
(ah, yes, it is, indeed!)