The dog on the left is an Elk Hound and the two dogs on the right are Irish Wolfhounds.

Clan Cian

Clan Stewart

This was the marching field and the grand stand. The dancing competition was also held in this general area.

Clan Wallace

Clan Campbell

Clan Gunn

Part of the crowd of people who attended the fair. Last year there were over one-hundred pipe & drum bands competing. Due to the recession, there were no where near the same numbers.
The featured musical groups this year were "Golden Bough", "Molly's Revenge", and "The Wicked Tinkers."
The weather wasn't as bad as it was forecast. It was in the 80s with a nice intermittent breeze.
Unfortunately there wouldn't be enough room to show pictures of every clan that attended and I didn't get pictures of them all. There are lots of things to see and do at this event with plenty of ethnic foods to sample as well.