The breathtaking photographs were taken by Victor Lucas of the bike path that follows around the Cliffs of Moher, located in the Burren region of the Republic of Ireland.
This picture shows dare-devil bicyclists travelling the narrow paths that have a drop of approximately, 600 feet ( 200 meters ) to the sea's surface.

When we arrived in Limerick, Ireland on a misty morning back in 2000. The Cliffs of Moher was the first sight we took in after the all night flight out of JFK airport. It was a sight to behold for these tired eyes that chose to go sight-seeing rather than checking into an hotel to sleep the first day and one that could give one "weak-knees" just looking over the cliff down to the water.

Recently, I read from one of my Irish news sites that there was a section of this path that broke off and fell into the sea. With my problem with acrophobia, I can not imagine trying to walk these paths, let alone riding a bicycle on them.

What a beautiful vista to behold, starting out our journey to the land of my ancestor's, and viewing all the ancient sites.

Here is a view looking down at the cyclists. It is hard to believe some parts of that trail on the ledge are that narrow. Considering how the wind was blowing when I was there last, I can not imagine how they were able to keep their balance whilst riding them.