This may be one of those signs one comes across in the United States where it pays to have English as your first language and that it can be taken many ways if one is in a creative state of mind. In my case, I envision a bunch of "no shouldered, mentally challenged" children running around in wild abandonment where we should be aware of running over them, playing on a dead end street. That was one of my scenarios. I fight the urge to hunt down that sign and magic marker it with the appropriate punctuation if it can be salvaged, forgetting syntax, etc. ( not saying I'm any scholar when it comes to grammar or syntax. Though, even it was hurting my eyes and brain. )
I suppose those entrusted in the art of sign making do not have to use punctuation to aid the reader in determining at a glance what the meaning of the sign is. Remember, we are supposed to be driving at the posted speed limit and reading this sign at the same time. As you can see, this sign has too many words on it and too many meanings can be drawn from it. ;-) One is supposed to be able to look at a sign in a second or so and understand what the sign means more than what it reads. This one takes time to read it requiring one to waste time with our eyes off the road and on the sign trying to figure out what in the world this person is trying to say.
How about this:
Dead End
No Shoulders
Slow Down
Kids at Play
If the two thoughts were separated on the sign it would make sense whilst traveling at what ever speed and the person would probably start slowing down on their own, in my opinion.
Some day I would love to meet the people would think up the wording for the signs and see if they also employ an editor to check their work as well. It must be a fun job with an huge responsibility to determine which way the arrow goes on a sign and the appropriate words that go underneath, such as, " turn right," or "left," which ever the case may be. One must make sure the arrow matches the words. ;-) I would imagine one must have to work in the sign department for at least five or more before advancing to the position where you are allowed to handle painting the commands on signs such as, " Do Not Enter." That commands a lot of power and is not for the weak to handle, I would imagine. I just cannot fathom how many years in the company a person must gain seniority to have painted the one above. ;-)
Enjoy your Spring where ever you live.