Today is Memorial Day, a day set aside to honor the fallen men and
women who have laid down their lives sacrificing them with honor in all
of our wars.
I used to sing a Stephen Foster song that was
written in 1854 before the Civil War entitled, "Hard Times." The first
stanza of the song was:
"Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears . . ."
This always reminded me for some reason of my own past service to my
country and more importantly those who never came back to meet the love
of their life or perhaps, raise a family and grow old to see them raise
their own families. These honorable people sacrificed everything for our
country and today is the day we honor them.
So, if I may borrow that stanza from Mr. Foster's
"Let us pause in
life's pleasures and count its many tears" and during a part of our days celebrations with friends and family,
let's not ever forget them as well.
I'm a married gentleman of thirty-eight years in the Pacific North West state of Washington. My professions have been in medicine as a Naprapathic physician, music performance as a principal operatic tenor and teaching applied music voice at the university level and privately along with private instrumental instruction. Since retirement from medicine, I began composing and arranging music in the Celtic-American Folk genre and did performance in Irish Celtic Music and American Folk music of which I have recently retired due to my health. My interests are eclectic and I enjoy meeting people and making friends.
The musical group I was in when we were performing was Mooney Woods and Nogle and we made two CDs. The most recent released was in December of 2010.