Thursday, June 12, 2008

Additional Spring Photos of Our Back Yard

Some additional pictures
Here are some additional pictures I want to add to this entry starting with my Mint plants.

Some additional blossoms opened on this Iris plant. Unfortunately, Seán likes to run in between the chair and the plants when visiting his friends on the other side of the fence and the plants are the one's to suffer the consequences. I may have to transplant these so they have a chance in the future.

Here is the other Iris growing near the Lilac bush by the house with more blossoms on it.

Here's the same plant from another angle.

There are more blossoms open on the Red Prince Weigela bush we planted a few years ago as well. There is one vertical branch that has grown out of the middle of this bush since last year.

Here was a wee surprise I had missed until I went out to take some more pictures today. This Iris has been hiding near the tub with the Fir tree in it. As I was taking the picture of the Red Prince, I saw it out of the corner of my eye and thought it deserved a picture as well. Well, that's it for the additions.


Is there such a thing as blue Columbine's? These popped up after the white one's.

We have Iris blooms this year! I planted them two years ago and I guess they decided to bloom this year. Because of the rain, the flower became heavy and started drooping almost touching the ground so I helped the plants along with a support stick to keep them upright.

Here is the same plant from another angle beside a lilac bush that hasn't bloomed yet. ( maybe, next year )

Our Red Prince Weigela is in bloom and I thought I would add it to the mix. We spent a short vacation in Long Beach, Washington on the coast and the house we rented had one of these beautiful bushes facing the Pacific Ocean. We enquired what type of plant it was and found one at our local nursery. It began blooming right away. I didn't get the whole plant in the picture since one branch shoots vertically out of the bush and beyond the camera lens for this picture.

Here is a closer look at its blossoms.


Java said...

What a lovely garden you have! It must be a very peaceful place.

Anonymous said...

Your yard is gorgeous. Given the fact that you West Coasters have gotten so little sun this spring, the color really helps the mood, eh?

Butch said...

Java: Thank you! It is peaceful. Unfortunately, I need to watch how much sun I get so I usually open the patio doors of the solarium and I can sit inside and still see and hear the fountain. ( when I remember to turn it on, that is. ) ;-)

Butch said...

Tater: Thank you! You are correct about the lack of sunlight, though the forecast today is supposed to be sunny ( sometime today, that is ) and maybe, reach 60 degrees! ;-) The sunny months are still on the horizon. Usually July, August, and into September before the clouds come in with some rain again.

Jacob said...

Butch, these flowers are beautiful. I tried to transplant a lilac many years ago and wish I'd just gone and bought one. I love their smell. I have an area of the yard with many wild iris now in bloom. Boy, haven't we gotten more than our fair share of iris-ladening rains! This warmth in California I've been able to enjoy has been medicinal. At this point, I think I choose to live in Oregon simply because it would be too costly to quit my job and move. Thirty-six years of heavy rains is....well.....water-loggingly tedious.

Greg said...

Hi Butch!! What beautiful columbines those royal blue are, hmmm? They look to be the same as the ones alongside the blue iris I photographed yesterday...stunning! Wish I could be there to harvest a little seed!

And thank you for sharing the Red Prince--that's the one which is so wildly growing in our east and west hedges! Always nice to know someone's name.

Butch said...
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Butch said...

Greg: Thanks, I'll see what I can do about capturing seeds.

I'm going to add some more pictures as the all bloom better. The Red Prince does give off a fragrance but it is hard to describe it. It doesn't do anything for me but, then again, I'm not a Red Prince Weigela! ;-)

Wonder Man said...

The irises are quite nice

Butch said...

Wonder Man: Thanks. This is the first year for them and next year's should be even better!

Butch said...

Gawpo: Thank you. I planted the bulbs about two years ago and waited to see if they got the right amount of sun etc. This year the stocks needed a little help standing straight so I tied them to some sticks. I will add some pictures as they come into bloom along with the Weigela.

We have had our share of the rain. After watching the East coast in triple digits and we hovering between 50 and 60 during the day, I don't know which is better. ;-)

June 13, 2008 11:52 AM

Joe Jubinville said...

Your mint is doing very well - you could keep Gill in mojitos! Do you grow herbs?

Butch said...

Joe: Thanks. These Mint plants do very well in the southern exposure of our house. I used to have many more herbs that I would use for cooking spices but some have died off or were taken over by other plants. I plan on reintroducing some of them again. I can see that Seán has been using one of my areas for herbs for his "nap-time" when we leave him out there for awhile. He has about four or five choice spots, depending upon his fancy.

Greg said...

I would imagine a pup who naps on mint would smell delightful! You've got an awfully nice patch of it.

I'll get some soon--I love it in ice tea with an orange slice--but will keep it in a pot, as it is even a little too enthusiastic for my tastes in the garden.

Butch said...

Greg: Seán is too spoiled to eat anything like that save, sticks and branches. ;-) Then, of course, he doesn't feel good afterwards and skips a day of wolfing down anything in sight.

Would you believe I started the mint plants in containers that I planted in the ground thinking they would control it?! Hahahahahahaha!!! Foolish man... A plant container will not stop them so I now just try and control them.

I use them fresh for iced-cream, some berry dishes, tea and I dry them and store them for tea in the winter. I need to plant my other herbs again since the winter seemed to wipe them out this year. I used to have rosemary, basil, & thyme once and I need to get them in the ground soon.

Lacey said...

The blue columbine is so pretty. I have mostly pinkish ones, with one or two maroon, but no blue. Maybe we could start a seed exchange. Another color that Iv'e seen is would be nice to have some of all of them. Sometimes I find that you buy a plant of a certain color flower, and then two or three years later is seems to revert to a paler version of itself...which is how I ended up with so many pinkish ones. The heat here on the east coast has encouraged so many things to blooom..I can't keep up with the pics.

thanks for sharing your pics.

Butch said...

Lacey: I think the blue ones are my favorites as well. I'm going to see if I can capture any of the seeds. This is the first year the white and blue ones have bloomed.

We haven't had any of the hot weather you have had. I had read it was in the triple digits last week. It may have reached 60 degrees here today, though it was cloudy until later in the afternoon. It looked like it was going to rain the whole time but I decided I needed to mow the lawn and all that goes with it and I'm glad we were able to get in finished trimmed etc. Now, it is bright and sunny. It's supposed to be like that the rest of the weekend. We shall see... Happy Flag Day by the way.