Here's two pictures of our boy, Seán. He recently turned three years old and already has some gray around his muzzle. He has learned that when I try and pull out the camera to get a picture of him, he usually looks away or drops the ball. He has this wonderful way of getting one's attention by giving your arm a few "kisses" and then resting his chin on your arm whilst looking up at you with those two, big beautiful brown eyes.

Perseverance finally pays off. I distracted him long enough to actually get a picture of him with his favorite ball in his mouth. He usually drops it before I can snap the picture.
Oh, those eyes. He is quite beautiful, your boy. Congratulations on the wonderful closeups...get him some pets from the Midnight Gardener, if you would!
Greg: Thanks, you have to trick him. He's too smart for his own good. ( of course, we wouldn't have him any other way. ) I had to take his mind off the camera otherwise, he knows what's coming with the flash and will stop posing! ;-)
Only three? Well, the black Irish always do go prematurely grey. He is a cutie. My parents' dog is similarly camera-shy. I wonder if they feel like they're being stared at, and that triggers the whole dominance issue? It was nice of him to comply though.
Patrick: He was three months old when we brought him in to our family from the animal shelter. It was those eyes watching us as we went from dog cage to cage. There was another dog, a female, two yrs. old and more towards the elk hound size, though a bit smaller, who had the same attentiveness Seán had. We had to fight the urge to go back the next day and pick her up as well.
He started going gray around the muzzle after we had him neutered. ( I guess that trauma would have had the same effect on me. ) ;-)
If you can set your camera down on something or have a tripod, you might also try shutting off the flash, if you can figure out how to do that. That's my secret for good close-ups of Badum.
; )
Greg: I must be firing on two cylinders this morning. I just answered your comment by sending you an email! ;-)
Thanks, by the way for the information.
he's adorable
Wonder Man: Thanks! My computer has been down this past week due to a virus. We are up and running finally. Sorry, for the delay in posting your comment.
What is it with dogs and cameras? The best shots of Singher have always been the ones when she was completely oblivious to the camera. When posed, she either looks elsewhere or pulls some sour look that screams "abused dog - help".
Sean is a beautiful dog Butch. Personality seems to shine right through.
Al: He certainly has become one of the pack at our home! ;-)
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