Monday, April 13, 2009

Blooming Trees of Spring in the North West

Our decorative Plum Tree is in bloom this week and I always welcome its beautiful purple flowers.

This is our Weeping Cherry Tree that we call "The Wedding Tree" since it was a gift to us when we were married in Oregon before they rescinded all 3000 marriages. There's Seán in the background.

Last one is of the Plum and a Rhododendron not ready for prime time.


Joe Jubinville said...

Glorious, Butch. Is the plum strictly ornamental, or does it bear fruit?

Too bad about those marriages. But you're married before heaven. The rest will come along in time.

What color is your rhodie?

Butch said...

Jeaux: Thanks. The Plum is strictly ornamental.

I'm watching Iowa now that the right-wing nuts have kicked in and are trying to make another Prop-8 happen in that state. This will not be settled until the Federal Supreme Court rules on it.

The rhodies are purple. We used to have two bright red ones but they died. They were always weak compared to the other ones we have. The Lilacs should be blooming in May as well.

Wonder Man said...

Hopeful marriage will be in our favor

Butch said...

Wonder Man: The bigots have to die out eventually.

Question for you ... have you changed anything on your blog? Every time I go to it, your blog pops up for about five seconds and then I get a white screen and I'm in a loop. The same thing happens on certain blogs if you inadvertently drag your curser over a picture which locks you out. I have to "control-alt-delete" to get out of it. I miss not being able to visit your blog. ;-(

Greg said...

I would say "fabulously" ornamental. Nothing strict about such beauty!!

Happy spring, Butch!

: )

Butch said...

Greg: Thanks. When you have the chance, would you let Wonder Man know that I can not get to his site anymore. When I arrive, it only lasts for about 5 seconds and then I get an white screen that I need to "Control, Alt, Delete to get out of. Actually, the same thing happens when I accidently drag my curser over one of your pictures. The screen goes white and I have to do the same thing to get out. Perhaps, he will have a solution. It has been in the past few weeks that this has happened and I do not know how to contact him. If no one else is having this problem, and are savy at resolving it, I would be most thankful. I do enjoy his blog as much as yours everyone else I visit. Okay, good luck! Have the Columbines started to appear? They haven't here yet.

Mark said...

Hello buddy, Liking your blog :-) Nice photos of your garden too. We have just finished getting mine ready for the Summer so I will be taking pics soon too. Starting to get the warm weather here now in the UK so hopefully my photos will look as nice as yours :-)

Butch said...

Mark: Hi Mark, The trick to making a garden look great is in the "cropping of the picture." ;-)
Good luck with your gardening. I need to get out and take a few more pictures myself before things change too much.

Greg said...

Butch, I just visited Viktor's blog and didn't have any trouble accessing it, though there were white patches where he meant some video clips to be embedded.

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues accessing his sight and also mine, but sadly, I haven't the first clue what might be causing such a problem.

The columbine plant I moved with me in the fall is growing nicely - no flowers yet, though. As for the seeds from yours, well, I had them in such a safe place I sort of misplaced them for a little while, but planted the first batch of them earlier this week. Of course, I'll be sure to keep you posted on their progress.

I hope you're able to sort out what your computer's troubles are. I miss you!

Butch said...

Greg: Thanks for trying. I'm wondering if there may be something keeping me from certain sites with my anti-spam-ware?! It doesn't happen on all of the sites. If you wouldn't mind telling him for me that I can't get access to his site yet, I would appreciate it.

Glad to read that you found the seeds. ;-) Good luck with them. ( as if you would need that ) ;-)