Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day !


MartininBroda said...

Happy 4th of July to you Butch :-)

Butch said...

Martin: Many thanks! I hope you are enjoying your summer. We plan on BBQ ing some beef ribs with potato salad and baked beans and home made pumpkin pie, the usual grill cooking minus the hot dogs and hamburgers. There will be only two of us so I am trying not to cook for an army like I usually do. ;-)

MartininBroda said...

Hope you two will enjoy the BBQ, it's really hot and humid here atm, not my most favored weather, but it's bearable, greetings to your better half :-)

Butch said...

Martin: Many thanks. We will do our best at clearing away the food.

One of the reasons we moved from the Mid-west was the extreme weather changes. Summers were hot and humid and the winters were bone-chilling. Here in the Northwest, the weather is more like the weather in Ireland, not extreme at either end of the temperature gauge. Presently, we are experiencing a day of intermittent cloud coming in and out without any rain, so far. It should turn out to be very pleasant, at least for me.

I will pass along your greetings to my better half. ;-)
Take care,