Monday, June 14, 2010

Late to the June Party

The two Hawthorn Trees have bloomed and gone and I have yet, to post them on the blog. Many apologies, it's been very busy and I had to decide what was to be attended first. Obviously, the blog fell behind.
All the pictures are essentially from the month of May save a few that bloom in June. I hope you enjoy them half as much as we have.
After the Daffodils came the tulips and now it is the Columbine flowers taking center stage.

The Hawthorne Trees were spectacular this year. As soon as the flowers start to fade, it drops about three-fourths of its leaves. It left a bit of a mess on top of the solarium and sides. Everything has been early this year.

A walk down the hill and one can see a better view of the two trees.

Our only Rhodie in the back yard went into bloom as well. This picture is deceptive as to the size of the bush. I would guess it is about ten to twelve feet high, perhaps, even taller and a generous thirty feet or more long. ( wide, depending upon your angle. )

Here, I'm trying for an "artsy-fartsy" view of the patio adjoining the solarium and upper yard.

In the distance is our decorative Plum Tree and to the foreground, our Rhodie's in the front yard. The Bumble bees love these blooms and I startled an Humming bird the other day as I was walking up the walk.

Here's a closer view of the flowers.

Steam wafting off the roof when the sun comes out in the morning or after a rain fall.

Here are some Iris' and Wisteria on our property line. Our neighbor planted these a few years back.

The tall, damaged and very old bushes are gone. They became an eye-sore and were affecting the miniature crab-apple trees, not to mention the Lilac Bush on that side of the driveway. What a difference it makes when one is backing out of the drive-way hoping there are no cars coming from that direction. Now, there are no worries and the view is much better.
This year the city had to tear up our street and lay new pipe for the new water main being worked upon in our neighborhood. We and our neighbor sawed each of those trees down and cut them again into smaller and easier to handle, pieces. During this time one of the medium-heavy equipment operators mentioned he could pull those tree trunks out of the ground in seconds for us if we liked. ( we liked. ) So, within a matter of ten to fifteen minutes, he had the trunks pulled from the ground and they hauled them away. We were grateful for them helping with an huge project. They didn't have to.

A late bloomer to the back yard. This picture is recent.

A final picture of it blooming.
Thanks for stopping by, as I will try and blog more. I don't know where a month went by without any updates. I hope we're all enjoying the different weather patterns Mother Nature has sent our way. Keep some kind thoughts in your heart for those who make their living in the Gulf as they watch their livelihood disappear. It is doubtful if this dead zone will change for the next two generations. It is unfortunate when greed and deregulation work hand in hand, nothing of any worth ever comes out of it for the common man.
Have a wonderful June and I hope to see you soon. - Butch


MartininBroda said...

A series of beautiful pictures, don't feel guilty please if you neglect your blog, I'll nevertheless will think of you.

Butch said...

Martin: Thank you and many thanks for your kind words.

I hope you are injoying your Summer.

J-o-h-n-n-y said...

Hey Butch, very nice to know that you guys are doing fine! We all will find a way to keep in touch, posting or no posting, or even a late's all good!

Have a great summer, and I quote Theodore Roosevelt, Do what you can, with what you have, where you are...

Butch said...

Hi Johnny: Nice to hear from you. Thank you for the post-cards by the way. That was very thoughtful of you.

It seems as though this year have been very busy for me. With being in the process of recording our second CD, My frequent interactions with the Veteran's Administration, and some health issues, I feel like I've been juggling everything at once and unfortunately, this blog has been suffering from inattention. I will try and keep it updated the best I can, considering everything happening.

Our recent weather has been cloudy, with intermittent rain and temperatures of around 57 degrees F. This feels more like May weather than June, in my opinion. I imagine your temperatures are in the triple digits. We have some family who have been having flooding problems on their property in Oaklahoma, I think it is. We certainly, are getting it from all directions.

Take care, thanks for stopping by and I'll talk with you later.