Saturday, May 2, 2009

May showers bring more May flowers

The Crabbe Apple trees just came into bloom recently so, before it began to rain harder, I decided to get out and get some pictures of the yard.

Here are the same trees at a distance.

The Maple tree in the front yard is in the process of producing its beautiful rustic red leaves. ( Directly behind the Maple tree is the Maple tree in the backyard behing the house. It has just opened its leaves as well. ) We have had some beautiful weather recently and all the plants have responded in kind. I'm glad I mowed the lawn yesterday because the next chance will be after the rain stops next week. ;-)

This Lilac bush will be blooming this year! Last year it made an attempt with just a few flowers but, this year looks more promising.

Here is the older transplanted Lilac bush that we planted originally in the back yard. Our mistake was that there wasn't enough sunlight at the time and it hardly grew for about five years until we decided to dig it up and replant it in the front. It has gone crazy in this spot and likes it very much. We should be having a lot of blooms on this bush this year. The neighborhood smells so nice when these are in bloom.

Here are a few pictures for my "mossophilic" friends. We have decided ( with some encouragement from my blogger friends ) to let the moss have its way with the back yard. This is but a small section of how much it has advanced during the winter months here in the Northwest.

More moss by the bird bath and flowers.

Here is that Maple tree mentioned earlier in the backyard and the moss growing on its tree trunk. Click on each picture to enlarge them for better viewing.

The lighter areas in the lawn are the moss patches that have taken over.

Again, one can see the different shades of green with the lighter green being the moss.

The Hawthorne trees have opened their leaves as well.

The wedding tree finally dropped all the little flowers a few days ago but the leaves filled in their place.

If you look carefully in the fountain, you can see areas of yellow, which is tree pollen left by the gigantic trees that fornicated with wild abandonment last week. ;-)

The tulips decided to make their appearance this week and they are beautiful as usual, in my opinion.
More to come later . . .meanwhile, I'm warm, and dry enjoying the light rain on a cool, damp Saturday in the Northwest United States.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures.


Greg said...

I'm sure our trees will be fornicating like mad before too long. The trick is to remember to not thrust all the windows in the house wide open the day before, eh? Do the hawthornes bloom memorably?

Our lilacs look like they might be starting to bloom very shortly - possibly ahead of the usual schedule, but never unwelcome.

Glad to see your mosses are doing so well!

Butch said...

Greg: The big "bust" of pollen, if you will,for the most part is about finished regarding the trees. ( thank goodness ) We've had the window completely closed and the heat pump filtering the rest. This season affects Steve more than me.

Our Lilacs are a week or two out, I think, before they bloom. Looking forward to it.

The "mossy hill" thanks you for the compliment. ;-)

Mark said...

Beautiful photos again buddy. We had a little walk around our village the other day and I took some lovely pics of the place in bloom so I will be posting them soon. I hope my message finds you well :-)

Butch said...

Mark: Thanks, Mark. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. This morning brings us more of the rain from last night. At the moment, it is a "soft-rain."

I'm doing well, save, an allergy to the pollen, but this is cyclic. I hope you and yours are well.

Pam Aries said...

Pretty trees! I just moved from Portland Oregon and everything was just beginning to come into full bloom. a lot of moss there too! And i loved seemed to make everything enchanted! ps: came over from Jeaux's blog.

Butch said...

Pam: Welcome to my blog and nice to have you visit! When we first moved to the Northwest over eighteen years ago, the first thing we noticed was all the different shades of green! ;-)

I love it here where it never really gets too hot or too cold. Our weather is very similar to Portland's weather but a wee bit less snow.

Today was a very Irish type of day; we had what is known in Ireland as a "soft-day," where the rain is so light one can actually see if float around before it ever hits the ground. It's not a fog but the tiny rain drops seem to float around like a fog does. It was really quite beautiful to see all the moisture hanging from everything.

Thanks for stopping by and do come again.