Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I didn't know this until yesterday and the answer, today.

An addendum to this mystery has been brought to you by two bloggers, Greg, from Midnight Garden and Anonymous who commented that it was all an hoax. Anonymous kindly produced the answer to this puzzle as to how it was accomplished. Please pardon the Cascade commercial before the information. Thanks, Greg and Anonymous for your input.
These cell phones turn out not to be more dangerous than we thought. Take a look at this video first to see what fooled me and an host of others.



Jacob said...

No way. No damn WAY!

Kinda hard to argue, though. All we need to do is find 8 cell phones to try it ourselves. Or maybe only 7 cell phones if you're at a house and the owner calls from a land line.

Thanks, Butch

Butch said...

Gawpo: Makes one think twice having one of them near by when they go off. I used to carry mine turned on, in my pocket and I wonder if the microwaves have done anything major to my anatomy?! ( We'll leave age out of the factor. ) ;-)

Joe Jubinville said...

My head has been full of popcorn for some time...

Butch said...

Joe: Just add a wee bit of salt and ...;-)

Greg said...

Ha ha...I was quite impressed when someone emailed this clip to me a week or two ago...it felt like the perfect proof that I was the smart one for not having a cell phone.

But when I smugly showed it to some of my cell-toting co-workers, they let me know it had been debunked on the TODAY show months ago.

That's me, late to the party, as always.

Butch said...

Greg: It makes sense, you are on the East coast and I, on the West coast and it takes awhile for the mule train to get over the passes with information.;)

How could they debunk it? It looks as those this experiment was done in different areas of the world and I'm confused as to how the corn popped if it wasn't the phones.
("Inquiring Minds want to know.";)

Anonymous said...

For the Debunking information check out: http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2008/06/10/cell-phone-popcorn.htm

Butch said...

Anon: Many thanks for enlightening me. There was no way of knowing they digitally removed the popcorn one at a time whilst throwing in previously popped corn to give the appearance it was being popped by the cell phones. Very clever and thanks again, for setting me straight. (well, so to speak.) ;-)

Greg said...

Well, that makes perfect sense. Mule teams over the pass, indeed.

Butch said...

Greg: ;-) It's hard to get a good mule team now days.