Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring II Addition

Here is a Sunday morning photo of the western part of the backyard showing how much the moss advanced this past winter. It thrives in this climate and I have to admit, the grass would actually be an intruder to this environment.

Here is the "Wedding Tree", a Weeping Cherry tree with the buds just starting to open a wee bit. Quite a change from last week where one could barely seen them.

Here is a revisit to the Blue Bells with many more of them open. The mint behind it is starting to make the scene as well.

I thought I would throw in the mysterious plants growing in the urn again showing the beautiful colours it turns over the winter when it is intermittently covered with snow. It it an hardy plant and does well in this climate.

These beauties opened this week and since we had so much rain, I was afraid the stems would stay bent over but this morning, I brought them back where they are standing again. Yesterday whilst it was raining, all of a sudden, it started snowing!! This rain/snow mixture continued for about an hour. The temperature was about 40 degrees F. when this happened. I always thought it would only be rain after 32 degrees or so. ( Learn something new every day. )

From a different angle.

And again, with the sun's help making a shadow of them on the wall.

The was the picture of them last week. I meant to put this with the previous post and thought it hadn't taken.
Yes, I would say, Spring is definitely making an entrance.


Patrick said...

I love moss as a ground cover, and learned when I was landscaping that it's actually much more environmentally friendly than grass. I loved how many different colors it came in too. Nice to see Spring creeping into your yard.

Butch said...

Patrick: We have so many different types of moss that call the NW, home. I think we may leave it since it continues to dominate any grass we plant. During the winter months, the moss always comes back and replaces most of the grass we plant so, perhaps, it actually belongs there.

One of the things I noticed when we moved west was the variety of different colours of green. I didn't know there were so many.

I'm looking forward to the ground drying out a bit more before we try and do anything. It won't be very long now. Thanks for stopping by.

Greg said...

LOVE your mossy lawn. Someday, when I finally get a bit of earth to call my own, I will encourage sucha "lawn" myself. No mowing, great variety...luscious green. What's not to love.

Butch said...

Greg: We would faithfully every Spring, bring out the heavy guns ( moss killer ) and attempt to get rid of it so the grass would grow. And every Winter, the moss would come back fighting ferociously winning the battel every time. This year, and for the rest of the time, we are just going to let the moss take over and have at it. I had the lawn mower out on Sunday and there was much less grass to mow in the back yard than in the past. I guess it's a good idea to just let Nature decide what goes where. ;-)