Saturday, April 19, 2008

Arghhhhhh!! What Happened to Spring?

I awoke this morning to, guess what? Snow. There were huge snow flakes falling so I picked up the camera and took these pictures. This is April 19th, mind you, and this is the Pacific North West. This should not be happening.

One can not see how large these flakes are from the pictures I took, but they are huge.

Eureka!! I finally captured an "Alien" light hovering in our backyard on the camera. I can check that off the list of, " To Do" things. ;-)

Seán loves the snow. He looks like a front loader running around in the yard with his nose in the snow snorting and cavorting about. He still has a wee bit of snow on his nose after shaking in doors, of course.

This is his favorite part of the deal. I get to wipe him down after sojourns in the rain or snow. He just loves it.
I imagine Mother Nature will have the last word upon whether there will be snow or not. I humbly, step back into the shadows and await Her benevolence.


Java said...

"humbly step back into the shadows and await Her benevolence."
It's about all you can do, my friend. Hopefully the blooms on the trees don't suffer too much.

Butch said...

Java: That is what I'm hoping as well. It has been snowing on and off all day though it is not sticking presently. I'm happy to be indoors.

Greg said...

Those are some huge flakes!! Well, that's what you get for trying to serve Mother Nature margarine!! Hope your return to winter is the briefest of anomalies!!

Sean's a very handsome young fella...Emily's also a fan of the Toweling Off when she comes in...pretty much any time she's the complete center of attention is good by her, though!

Stay warm!!

Butch said...

Yep! It's butter or cream cheese, but never margarine! ;-)

Thanks! We now, have to spell in front of him. There definitely is a smart being behind those eyes. I was reading earlier with my feet on the ottoman and he decided to become "evil-doggy", walking up to my foot, putting his mouth on it, then looking at me with those eyes, daring me to move my foot one inch. If I move, that is his signal to start mauling my foot.;) He never hurts you, but you can feel the power in those teeth if he had a mind to do so. He is a sweety and will find any way he can to get you to play with him. Yes, he loves being in the spotlight. ( this big boy is 110 lbs. and not fat. )

Staying warm is definitely one thing I will be doing this evening. I'm feeling very lazy tonight. Either I check emails, blogs, etc., or go back to reading. Have a good evening and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Sapna Anu B.George said...

Wonderful captures great words , grea to meet you hee Butch, reagards to your partner.

tornwordo said...

It's unusual any time of year I'd expect. Beautiful. Lovely pooch too.

Joe Jubinville said...

Perhaps it's just a big, wet, good-bye kiss.

Cooper said...

I assure you, dear Butch, that we haven't stolen your spring up here! If Joe is right and it's a kiss goodbye, what we're having here is a total bath with a big, ol' freezing cold tongue!

Sean is a darling. I like being towelled down after a bath, too. :)

Butch said...

Sapna anu Welcome to my blog and many thanks for your kind words. I will pass along your greetings to my partner. Please, be welcome to return any time you like.
Peace be to you and yours.

Butch said...

Tornwordo: Welcome! Considering the weather you have been showing through your many pictures on your blog, I shouldn't be "crowing" about ours. I grew up in the Mid-west and understand what a real dumping of snow can look like and what we received yesterday, would be considered a dusting and nothing to whine about. ;-)

In any event, after 17-18 years living in the PNW, we have become too spoiled having moderate weather instead of the four seasons of Chicago or Detroit. Thanks for stopping by and your comments.

Seán says,"Woof!" (what ever that means.) ;-)

Butch said...

Somewhere Joe: Ha! If that's the case, She should be ashamed of herself, the old tart! ( Now, that I have sorely tempted fate with Mother Nature, I should prepare for a big dumping of snow. ( or is that dumpling? ) I must be having breakfast thoughts...)
Thanks for the visual, I keep wiping my lips in surprise.

Butch said...

Cooper: LOL! A big ol' cold tongue...(sounds interesting) I don't know whether to wrap myself up against the cold or remove everything and roll around in the snow!

( after a shared bath or shower, a toweling down together can be one of those golden moments. )( after 27 years together, that's at least how I remember them. ) ;-)