Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Pictures Continued With Additional Photos

Here are some additional pictures for the 1st of May, Happy Beltane.

The Weeping Cherry tree has finished blooming and these beautiful little blue flowers have taken centre stage. I had to dig up all the moss that took over the area around the tree. What once was grass, was displaced by moss this winter. It has been seeded and we're waiting for the new grass to fill in the bare spots.

We planted more of them over by the deck and there are lilies in the right of this picture.

I do not know what this flower is but it looks suspiciously like a smaller version of Greg's ( Midnight Garden ) Bleeding Hearts. These are not red like his, but are pink. If anyone recognises what this plant is, kindly comment. For all I know, it could be a beautiful weed. ;-)

Here are some additional pictures of the Magnolia tree where the blossoms have opened much more. Unfortunately, they do not last very long and are starting to drop their blossoms.

These were taken in the evening where the light played some interesting effects on the tree and I played around with the hues and brightness to bring them out even more.

No, your eyes are not failing you, I'm having some fun with adjusting the colours, contrast, brightness and hues.

The sun had rested its head under the horizon's blanket when I took this last one as the last rays of light extinguished the day into night.


Wonder Man said...

nice pictures, I wish we had something like that in South Central

Java said...

I love that last picture especially, the silhouette of the flowering tree.

Butch said...

Wonder man: It's one of the joys of living up here in the Pacific Northwest. There are so many shades of green. We get enough precipitation to make it so.

Butch said...

Java: Thanks, some of the pictures turned out better than I would have ever imagined.

( Glad your trip back home was safe and uneventful. )

Greg said...

Ah, the joys of magnolia are temporary, indeed. That silhouette shot is delightful, butch!!

Butch said...

Greg: Unfortunately, they do not last very long so it was time to get out there before I needed to take pictures of the blossom pedals on the ground.

That last photo worked out well. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

lovely photos---and on another subject, can you share with concerned readers why Cooper's Corridor is shut down? Thanks

Butch said...

Irisgirl: Thanks.

Cooper's Corridor was bombarded by hundreds of "drive-by" comments,as well as his email address, some complimentary, but many were vicious attacking Cooper's motive for being a father. He decided to close it down. It all started regarding an entry at "JoeMyGod" site about single gay dads with children. Cooper's site was mentioned and many gay commenters personally went to his site and attacked him. It was totally, senseless and without merit, in my opinion.

Greg said...

You know, I think I was too tired when I looked at these pics yesterday (I think I'm brewing a sinus infection...), and I didn't even notice your comment about the bleeding heart.

It looks like you have one of the other nineteen varieties of dicentra (my bleeding heart is one of them). In fact, the wikipedia photo is of "western bleeding heart" and looks a lot like yours!

Butch said...

Greg: Many thanks. It just started growing on its own. ( My kind of plant. ) ;-)

You didn't miss it because it wasn't there when you looked last. I added it today whilst I was out taking pictures of the wee blue flowers. Thanks for the site as well.

Anonymous said...

Butch--Please tell Cooper that I am deeply distressed to learn of this hateful action toward him and his beautiful blog. His blog was a GIFT to so many of us--his words are magical and inspirational. His stories and photos of the boys are TREASURES that we were privileged to witness.
Please extend my best wishes when you speak to him next, and tell him thank you for me. I am already feeling the loss of his precious blog.

Butch said...

Irisgirl: I will do that, and thanks for your concern and comment.

Greg said...

Pretty sneaky adding new pics after a guy's visited!! Are those blue flowers bluebells, or wood hyacinths or camassia?? They sure are pretty, whatever they are!

On the subject of your moss VS grass battle, this might interest you:

(I guess I'm the link king this week, eh?)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pics again, Butch. We need to get Coop back via a Private and Public blogsite, where a login will be required for his family posts. His voice is missed by many, especially yours truly (and I am relatively new to his site)! Very unfortunate that some pathetic and self hating folks decided to spread their filth and bile his way. He is very undeserving of such abuse, and I hope he'll be back as soon as possible.

Butch said...

Greg: Apologies for my stealth additions. Rather than starting a new blog, I sometimes add to them if the subject matter is even close. ;-)

I think they are Blue Bells. My Scottish friend was involved in much of this planting and it would be a safe bet that he planted Blue Bells.

Keep the information coming, I have learned quite a bit from you and your gardening skills. from "making the tulip salad" too hot for bunnies to the twenty varieties of Bleeding Heart. Many thanks.

Butch said...

Tater: Thanks. I have absolutely nothing to do with making these flowers beautiful. In fact, if I try not to "mother" them to death, they usually are healthier from my neglect. I just take pictures and pretend I had something to do with their beauty. ;-)

The closing of Cooper's Corridor was not unlike losing a friend one sees and visits every day. I have been in awe of him ever since I first found out about his unique and very wise entries. I had grown to look forward to them and what was going on in the world of the Cooper's. He has felt like family for quite awhile and when something like this happens to him, I feel like it has happened to me and to all of us who enjoyed his wise observations on life and other things.

I do not know what causes, people to be so hateful at times unless they do not like their own life or the path they have chosen. Some do not like others to be happy if they are so down themselves. As much as I miss the Corridor, I think Nicky did the right thing to stop that flow of hate coming in by the hundreds.

I can hope that when all the dust clears from this, there may be a time when he looks into a private site that can be visited by those people who consider themselves close to him and his family. I know he will never stop writing because that is like breathing to him and perhaps, one day we all can once again, enjoy his thoughts, and beautiful prose.

Many thanks for your thoughts, and he knows there are many of us in the blogger world who wish him well and hope for his return in the future.

( a pox on those "drive-by" cretins; they never have anything of value to offer but hate and ignorance. )

I really am enjoying your joint adventure in writing. Thank you.

CW said...

Is there any way we can get Cooper's Corridor back? I read it every day for a pick me up. I'm in my 40's and never dreamed of having kids or a family. But I loved reading his stories with his boys. I have never read anything so pure and sweet before. My compliments don't really do it justice. It is so painful now that it is gone.

Butch said...

CW: I know that Cooper appreciates all of the kind,warm thoughts that his readers have sent in comments on the blogs and in emails, for his well being and that of his boys.

Presently, his concern is his first priority, his boys and to make sure they remain safe from the huge deluge of hate comments and emails that forced him to pull the plug on his wonderful blog site.

There may be ( or not ) another forum he hosts in the future though those details have yet to be worked out and it may end up being a "by personal invitation, only" site and not open to the general public. We have talked a little about it but presently, he has not made any decision one way or another about it.

I, like you and many other persons who have enjoyed his blog so much, would like to see him back posting and we do miss his prose and his unique look at nature many of us have forgotten along the way in life. I look forward to that day as well.

Many thanks for your comments. Nicky stops by here frequently and I'm sure he will read your kind comments. Thank you for your concern and for commenting about it.

sweetsalty kate said...

Since writing this post, more of my readers have turned up further writing and photos stolen by "Cooper" from myself as well as from other bloggers.

The community that had gathered around Cooper's campfire - which was fuelled in great part by my life and writing - seems like a bunch of genuinely decent people. It's sad and distressing, and I'm sorry to be the one to have to burst this bubble.

Butch said...

sweet salty Kate: I was disappointed to read what has happened to you, as it isn't good or the right thing to lift material from others. Thank you for your input.